

ThriftSmart provides the opportunity for employees to be part of a welcoming environment and to have local and global impact through our mission to support other charities. We seek dedicated, mission-minded team members for employment. Honesty, creativity, amiability and dependability are key factors we look for in potential employees.

Interested in how to begin working for ThriftSmart as an Employee?  The first step into potential employment is to fill out the application by using on of the button links below.


Honor the Lord

Be “ThriftSmart”

Strive to be the Best

Serve Our Community

Value People

Have Fun!

Discover the Heart of ThriftSmart: Our People, Our Mission
Dive into the stories that make us more than a team – a family. Learn from Dick R. Gygi and our dedicated team about the ThriftSmart difference.

Join us on our journey and see why our mission is not just work, but a passion that unites us.