

Collect donations for ThriftSmart. Support locally-based charities. Earn ThriftSmart gift cards in return.

Use them to support your organization’s mission and help people in need. Goodness, recycled.

That’s SMART!

Partnering through the GiveSmart Program furthers our mission and yours.

When your organization collects donations for ThriftSmart, it helps us create jobs, provide value to customers, and support charities that are changing lives both locally and internationally. Your organization, in turn, earns ThriftSmart gift cards and special discounts to support your mission and help you assist people in need. You sow into our mission, and we sow back into yours. Since we began this program, we’ve been able to give nearly $300,000 in gift cards to organizations doing great things all around the Nashville area. Join the many other local nonprofits, schools and churches partnering with us through the GiveSmart program, and help us recycle more goodness! See a list of our wonderful community partners here.


  • Earn $1 in ThriftSmart gift cards for every 10 pounds of donated goods
  • Earn $1 in gift cards for every hour of volunteer service at our stores
  • Purchase gift cards at half-price ​(prior arrangement necessary)
  • Fundraising Program​– Sell ThriftSmart gift cards and you can earn 50% of total cash value sold



With giveSMART member benefits, we tally all contributions and award gift cards quarterly. Weight tally excludes furniture and large items that are not weighable. You can collect donations for us in several ways:

  • Place a donation bin on your property
  • Host a donation drive for your company
  • Drop off gently-used donations at our store (make sure they are registered with our staff!) and encourage your supporters to do the same

100% of ThriftSmart’s profits benefit the following local charities:

Mercy Community Healthcare PNG
ThriftSmart Belize Project