November News & Calendar
Here’s our November calendar full of deals for you! Notables are our store-wide 50% off sales on Veterans Day (Wednesday, November 11th) and Black Friday (November 27th). Click image below to view and print, or CLICK HERE for Spanish version. And keep reading for some great community events coming up this month!
America Recycles Day
We’re joining forces with Lipscomb Academy and Lipscomb University for America Recycles Day events on November 13th and 14th. This is a great chance not only to donate to ThriftSmart and support our friends at Room In The Inn, but also to recycle all kinds of materials you often cannot, like electronics and prescription medications. Shred-It will even be at the university on Saturday shredding documents. For additional information and the complete list of items accepted, READ MORE.
Free Flu Shots
On Saturday, November 14th, from 12-3pm we’re teaming up with Nashville Community Outreach & Resource Center and Vanderbilt’s student-run Shade Tree Clinic to provide free flu shots at our Nashville store on Nolensville Pike. These free flu shots are for those considered homeless, under-insured, uninsured and unable to pay. We will also be giving away door prizes to all ThiftSmart shoppers during the event, including frozen turkeys and ThriftSmart gift cards. And if you still need a reason to come see us, that day all housewares and collectibles will be 50% off! Here’s a FLIER TO SHARE if you want to spread the word.