ThriftSmart Lip Sync Challenge: Win $100 Gift Card!
The internet is full of weird, wonderful things (ok, mostly just weird), but one of the more wonderful things to come from the world wide web recently is the popularity of lip sync challenges and battles. And this is an especially good thing for Nashville because we happen to be music city, where even our police are good at lip synching:
So what does this have to do with ThriftSmart? We have decided to get in on the action and give away $100! Simply record a lip sync video of at least 15 seconds and share it on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with the #thriftsmart (you can also use @thriftsmart), and you will be entered into a random drawing to win a $100 gift card. Which is the perfect thing for providing all the costume and set pieces for your NEXT big lip sync video!
The Rules:
1. The contest runs through Sept 15th. The winner will be drawn at noon on Sept 16th and notified via the social media they entered with.
2. The videos must be at least 15 seconds long.
3. If multiple people are in the video, the winner will be the person whose social media account is used.
4. Please keep videos PG rated. No explicit or over suggestive videos will be entered into the drawing.
5. You can enter as many videos as you want and each one will be granted its own entry.
That’s it! Good luck everyone!