
August Calendar

It's time to head back to school, and while tax-free weekend may be over, clothing and shoes are ALWAYS tax-free at ThriftSmart stores! Whether you're looking for clothing or furnishing a new apartment, you're sure to find something totally unique that fits your budget and your...

Thrift Smart 50% Off

June & July Anniversary Sale Calendar

Once again, it's anniversary time at ThriftSmart! We are celebrating 11 years by giving you what are quite possibly the best thrifting deals in history. First up, 50% Fridays every week - that's 1/2 off EVERYTHING for EVERYONE on EVERY Friday in June and July! So make Friday...

May Sales Calendar

May Calendar & Special Sales We've got all kinds of specials this month. From our Cinco de Mayo sale on May 5th, to special discount drawings for all mothers on Mothers Day, to our Memorial Day sale, you'll have plenty of opportunities to save big and...

Thrift Smart Volunteers

Volunteer Spotlight

[caption id="attachment_2661" align="alignleft" width="300"] Volunteer Gary Jordan pictured in the red vest with ThriftSmart staff at our Nashville store.[/caption] The last time you were at ThriftSmart, did you notice anyone walking around in a red vest? These wonderful people are our volunteers. Some are here for...

April Sale Calendar

April Sale Calendar

Time for a new month and new deals! Take note of big Monday sales this month on April 11th & April 25th.  Get all the details below, or click here for Spanish version. TEXT CLUB. Have you joined our text club yet? To sign up for text alerts about our...

March Sale Calendar

March Sale Calendar

Spring is almost here! Our racks are full of spring clothes to help you get ready for the changing weather. Check out our March calendar for all the details, including our First Day of Spring Sale on March 20th! (See Spanish version here.)   SPRING CLEANING! Clearing out your...

The Belize Project - Spring Update

The Belize Project Spring Update – March 22nd

We are excited to invite you to our Franklin store to learn more about the great work our stores support in Belize. Our co-founder Dick Gygi will host members of The Belize Project on March 22, 2016, 6-8 pm.* The nation of Belize is a beautiful country on the...

Fabulous February Deals

We are headed into a new month, and it brings some great deals your way. See the calendar below, or click here for the Spanish version. 10 Years, 10 Cents Returns! You may recall we are celebrating our 10th year at ThriftSmart, and this month, our great "10...

New Year, New Deals!

Happy New Year from all of us at ThriftSmart! Our January 2016 sale calendar is ready for you. Mark your calendar for our big 50% off sales on January 7th and 18th. Want to view the calendar in Spanish? Click here! We've looking forward to another...

December Is Here!

Happy Holidays from all of us at ThriftSmart! December always brings some special treats for our customers. Check out the calendar for all the details. (Here's the Spanish version.) December Highlights On December 1st, #GivingTuesday,  you get a 30%-off voucher if you bring in a tall kitchen bag or...